Saturday, February 6, 2010

Green Bowel Movements More Condition_symptoms What Does It Mean When You Are Having Green Bowel Movements.?

What does it mean when you are having green bowel movements.? - green bowel movements more condition_symptoms

My friend is about the apple during the last months concerning stool was green.

Please only serious answers .....


july said...

Green stool indicates an excess of bile. This is not necessarily a serious illness. Here is a link to the Mayo clinic, which is explicitly with this condition: ... If your friend had no abdominal pain or back, there is probably no cause for alarm.

♥bunny_5... said...

Have you eaten something newer with a lot of color in it? Or maybe even a lot of vegetables.
You would not believe that the colors you get sometimes!
My husband ate a whole bag of black licorice and there was a blue-green couple of days! He was scared!
It is advisable to consult a doctor if it still!

williams... said...

If your friend has a good healthy diet and has been eating normally and this continues, I suggest you go to the doctor and get it checked out. These movements of the intestine that is leaking or more solid? if it is nasal, then bring to the doctor.

dietzel3... said...

just something you have eaten.

eloquent said...

This means that you spend too much time to spend with his face in the toilet. Bowel movements can vary the diet of humans.

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